Hunter Price | Resume


  • Hunter Price's Resume
  • Hunter Price's Transcript

  • Education

    Bachelors of Computer Science

    University of Tennessee Knoxville

    GPA: 3.87

    Minors: Cybersecurity, Business Administration


    Member of the Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program (08/2018 - Present)

    Summa Cum Laude Dean List (08/2018 - Present)


    Life Without Limits (02/2019 - Present)

    Founding member and project leader of a club to use engineering to aid people with disabilities.

    Generations Connected (08/2017 - 05/2018)

    A club to teach the elderly one-on-one how to use modern technology.

    Personal Projects

    Inifinibuilder (01/2020 - 04/2020)

  • Collaborative Java based project working with the JavaFX graphics library.
  • 3D open-world game using simplex noise algorithms for infinite terrain generation.
  • Features randomly generated mazes, shortest paths, and inventory systems.
  • Scikit Digits (05/2020 - 05/2020)

  • Machine Learning model using the kmeans algorithm and a support vector machine with data from the digits dataset in sklearn's standard datasets.

  • Technical Skills

    C++, Python, Java, C, Linux/Unix, Git, Valgrind, Vim, VS Code, Pycharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Discrete Structures, OOP, Data Structures

    Soft Skills

    Team Player, Results Motivated, Patient, Logical Thinker, Adaptable, Quick Learner, Analytical, Creative Thinker, Communicative

    Work Experience

    Deli Clerk - Kroger (06/2019 - Present)

  • Served as a preceptor to new employees.
  • Efficiently communicated with coworkers to more quickly accomplish tasks.
  • Worked to improve each and every customers day by providing excellent customer service.