Hunter Price | Education


  • Hunter Price's Transcript

  • Education

    Bachelors of Computer Science

    University of Tennessee Knoxville

    GPA: 3.87

    Minors: Cybersecurity, Business Administration


    Member of the Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program (08/2018 - Present)

    Summa Cum Laude Dean List (08/2018 - Present)


    Fall Semester 2020

    Honors: System Programming - CS367

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • In-depth introduction to C and its use in system programming.
  • Introduction to memory and process layout, system calls, buffering, file I/O, file systems, directories, metadata, assembly code, stack frames, memory management, process management, and interprocess communication.
  • Software Engineering - CS340

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • Introduction to software processes that can be used on large projects to help design, manage, maintain, and test software.
  • Algorithm Analysis/Automata - CS312

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • Counting and combinatorics, with applications to the analysis of algorithms.
  • Introduction to finite automata and regular languages, and to pushdown automata and context free grammars.
  • Fundamentals of Finance - FINC300

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • Survey of the basic principles of finance.
  • Organizational Management - MGT300

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • Advanced topics in management and organizations, which includes theory and practice related to negotiations, innovation and change, individual and group decision making, and human resource management.
  • Intro/Music Western Culture - MUCO110

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: TBD

    Course Description:

  • The study of style periods of Western European art music and related issues of cultural and social history.
  • Develops listening skills and ability to respond to music articulately.
  • Summer Semester 2020

    Introduction to Scientific Computing - CS370

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • The design, analysis, and implementation of numerical algorithms for solving problems in science and engineering.
  • Emphasis on program design, including data structures, computational complexity, scientific computing environments, and high-performance software packages.
  • Introduction to Business Management for Non-Majors - MGT370

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Introduction to basic concepts of business, career options in business, and fundamentals of management, leadership, and organizational design for non-majors.
  • Spring Semester 2020

    Honors: Data Structures and Algorithms II - CS307

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Design, analysis, and implementation of fundamental algorithms and data structures , including trees and graphs with an additional honors project.
  • Honors: Discrete Structues - CS317

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Sets, functions, relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings and proof techniques, especially mathematical induction.
  • Application of proof techniques to prove correctness of algorithms.
  • Introduction to basic counting and combinatorics.
  • Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers - STAT251

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Data collection and descriptive statistics.
  • Concepts of probability and probability distributions.
  • Discrete and continuous distributions.
  • Estimation of means, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests for single mean and proportion.
  • Simple regression and correlation.
  • Process improvement, statistical process control, and 2-level experiments.
  • Use of statistical computing software.
  • Foundations of Accounting - ACCT200

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Survey of accounting with emphasis on the use of financial statement information in business decision making.
  • History of Rock - MUCO110

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Study and appreciation of rock music, its origins in blues and rock and roll, and its development and cultural dimensions to the present.
  • Fall Semester 2019

    Data Structures and Algorithms I - COSC140

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Advanced problem solving and algorithm development, programming, data structures and applications, I/O techniques, lists, queues, stacks, hash tables, algorithms, files.
  • Matrix Algebra I - MATH251

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • First course in the algebra of simultaneous linear equations and matrices.
  • Includes Gaussian elimination, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
  • Fundamental Physics: Electric/Magnetism - PHYS231

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: B

    Course Description:

  • For engineers and majors in mathematics and the physical sciences.
  • Electric and magnetic phenomena including DC and AC circuits and electromagnetic waves.
  • Soils and Civilizations - ESS120

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: B+

    Course Description:

  • Investigation of the close linkage between soil conservation and degradation and the consequences to ancient civilizations and environmental degradation and its societal impacts during modern times.
  • Comparison of past soil management practices to present-day issues of soil salinization, erosion, and siltation. Introduction to the role of soil resources in current global environmental issues and conflicts.
  • Spring Semester 2019

    Computer Organization - COSC130

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A-

    Course Description:

  • Number systems, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits, registers, processor functional units and control, pipelining, memory and caching, stored program computing, memory management, computer system organization, and assembly language programming.
  • Honors: Physics For Engineers II -EF158

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Calculus-based study of basic physics concepts, including rotational dynamics, statics, oscillations, waves, fluids, heat and temperature, and first and second law of thermodynamics. Introduction to team work.
  • Introduction to the engineering disciplines, examination of engineering principles and design issues.
  • Oral and written presentation skills.
  • Calculus II - MATH142

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Single variable calculus especially for students of science, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.
  • Integral calculus with applications.
  • English Composition II - ENGL102

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A-

    Course Description:

  • Intensive writing instruction focused on inquiry and research.
  • Strategies for formulating and investigating questions, locating and evaluating information, using varied sources and research methods, developing positions on intercultural and interdisciplinary issues from diverse texts (print, digital, and multimedia), and presenting research using appropriate rhetorical conventions.
  • Fall Semester 2018

    Introduction to Computer Science - COSC102

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A-

    Course Description:

  • Problem solving and algorithm development.
  • Organization and characteristics of modern digital computers with emphasis on software engineering, building abstractions with procedures and data, and programming in a modern computer language.
  • Honors: Physics For Engineers I - EF157

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Calculus-based study of basic physics concepts, including vectors, kinematics, Newton’s laws, forces, work-energy, and impulse-momentum.
  • Introduction to team work. Introduction to the engineering disciplines.
  • Examination of engineering principles and design issues.
  • Oral and written presentation skills.
  • Calculus I - MATH141

    Credit Hours: 4.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Single variable calculus especially for students of science, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.
  • Differential calculus with applications.
  • English Composition I - ENGL101

    Credit Hours: 3.00

    Grade: A

    Course Description:

  • Intensive instruction in writing, focusing on analysis and argument.
  • Strategies for reading critically, analyzing texts from diverse perspectives, developing substantive arguments through systematic revision, addressing specific audiences, integrating sources, and expressing ideas with clarity and correctness.